Lori Desrosiers

sometimes I hear the clock speak

a knock and sequence, hands
unsuccessful, reach for numbers

twelve hovers atop
a round white mountain

long sweeping curve of shrug
a gesture in one direction

the hiccup of a second
the thousand spins of a life.

(Previously published appeared in Contemporary American Voices)

Lori Desrosiers’ first full-length book of poems, The Philosopher’s Daughter is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry in March 2013. She has a chapbook, Three Vanities, 2009, Pudding House Press. Her poems have appeared in Contemporary American Voices, BigCityLit, Concise Delights, Blue Fifth Review, Pirene’s Fountain, The New Verse News, Common Ground Review, and many more. Her MFA in Poetry is from New England College. She is editor and publisher of Naugatuck River Review, a journal of narrative poetry.