Keith Gaustad

The Jabot of Love Poems

The note that
our effort written
in the language
we beg in
and we speak
in: the voice
reserved for
the telephone
when a stranger
talks to us
asking what do
we mean by this.
It’s not your voice.
It must be the
voice of the
I keep hearing
so much about
I’d sign my
letters different.



Different Sexual

I think of you as a preference
as modern as I can be
in the wooden shadows
I live under.
They have fixed us up —
the imagination of bookworms
in my mind that hovers
around fresh water faucets
you are a daydream
packed into the midnight eye
starved for a happy accident
that exists as briefly as a shooting star
or a plane coming down.



Keith Gaustad is the editor of Burdock Magazine and Teppichfresser Press in Milwaukee, USA.  His work appeared in Honeysuckle Honeyjuice: A Tribute to James Liddy, edited by Michael S. Begnal. He has degree in creative writing from UWM where he studied with the late James Liddy.